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Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate Onshore Normalization, Gresik, East Java

As a huge integrated industrial zone with deep sea port and residential zone on 3,000 hectares of land, 24 km west of Surabaya, JIIPE is slated to be among Indonesia’s prime economic hubs with modern sea ports at an impressive scale. Upon completion, the whole area will employ strong 60,000 workforce through a variety of advanced facilities, including smelters.

The 406 hectares port in JIIPE requires extensive marine works. Given the massive scope of work, dredging and reclamation works in the area was divided into two stages: the 2,500,000 m3 in total volume of coastal line dredging work, and the subsequent 2,000,000 m3 of materials in channel and normalization works. The former took 3 months to finish, whereas the latter met tighter schedule of two months.

Cutter Suction Dredger Puncak Besar and the massive Trailing Suction Dredger GJ 802 were the essential equipments for the task.

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